Welcome to Native Wales. This project is a visionary initiative aimed at reinvigorating Wales’ natural landscape and fostering environmental sustainability by planting resident trees, orchards, hedgerows and wild flower meadows throughout the local and widespread countryside. Aligned with the public sectors drive to achieve carbon neutrality and deliver net-zero emissions, this project takes the expertise of veterans, adults with learning disabilities and other members of our community, who have grown through our horticulture and aquaponics programme, creating a dedicated workforce committed to environmental stewardship and community empowerment.

The objectives of this project are the inspiration for the project itself. Native Wales is passionate about nature and mitigating climate change impacts by increasing carbon elimination. The project aims to complete widespread planting and support national and global efforts to achieve net-zero emissions. By doing this, we are aiding in the restoration and enhancement of Wales’ natural habitats and contributing to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem resilience We aim to provide meaningful employment and skill development opportunities for veterans and adults with learning disabilities, giving them the skill set to activity participate in environmental conservation efforts. Native Wales also looks to the wider community to foster their involvement and ownership through collaborative planting initiatives, encouraging public participation and environmental awareness.

The elements of the project are the foundation and will create sustainability and continued success. The cornerstone of Native Wales involves planting indigenous tree species across diverse landscapes, including woodlands, urban areas and rural communities. Selection of native species, will ensure long term viability and ecosystem integrity. Veterans, adults with learning difficulties and members of the community are recruited as a supported labour force. Through comprehensive training programmes, participants will gain valuable skills in tree care, planting techniques and environmental management, enhancing their employability and self-sufficiency. The success of the Native Wales Project hinges on collaborative partnerships with government agencies, local authorities, environmental organizations, and community groups. By mobilizing collective resources and expertise, we maximize impact and scale tree planting efforts across Wales. Monitoring and Evaluation is key, we adopt mechanisms that ensure accountability and measure the ecological and social impacts of our planting programme. Key metrics include tree survival rates, carbon sequestration levels, biodiversity enhancement, and participant satisfaction.

The Native Wales Project exemplifies a collaborative and inclusive approach to environmental conservation, harnessing the collective efforts of veterans, adults with learning disabilities, and community stakeholders to plant the seeds of sustainable change. Through indigenous tree planting and workforce development initiatives, we not only restore Wales’ natural heritage but also cultivate a brighter, greener future for generations to come.



We are in a climate crisis. The IPCC inter governmental panel on climate change has warned that temperatures need to be kept from rising b y no mor 1.5°c. The UK has pledged to be carbon neutral by 2050 and the solution is simple…. TREES!

Tree planting helps offset the carbon footprint by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Trees use carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, which helps to reduce the overall amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. By planting trees, more carbon dioxide is to removed from the air, helping mitigate the effects of climate change and reduce the overall carbon footprint of human activities.

Native Wales offers a service to all persons or organisations, who are looking to off set their carbon footprint and help battle the climate crisis. Identifying land that can be used to plant and working closely with local authorities and community groups, along with combining the efforts of veterans, adults with learning disabilities, and local community members means we can restore and enhance Wales’ natural habitats by planting native species.

Native Wales also offers a unique team-building experience by organising a tree-planting day to help offset their carbon footprint. In addition, we will provide a comprehensive social value report detailing the environmental impact of their tree-planting efforts, showcasing their commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.


Wildlife Matters too!

Hedgerows are vital features in our landscape, providing an essential wildlife refuge, cleaning the air, capturing carbon and reducing flooding. If you’re looking to plant hedges on your land, our Native Wales scheme can provide the trees, funding and expert advice you need to achieve your goals.

Planting hedgerows is one way to reduce your carbon footprint by offsetting your emissions through carbon offsetting. Hedgerows absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen, which helps to combat climate change.

As they grow, hedgerows store carbon in their wood, plant matter, and soil, making them “carbon sinks”.



Planting trees is one way to reduce your carbon footprint by offsetting your emissions through carbon offsetting. Trees absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen, which helps to combat climate change.

As they grow, trees store carbon in their wood, plant matter, and soil, making them “carbon sinks”. It’s estimated that a tree can trap 3.7 tonnes of CO2 during its lifetime, which is typically around 40 years.

Individual Carbon Offsetting through Tree Planting – Make it Wild

As they grow, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the air. It is then unable to enter the atmosphere. It has been calculated that one tree can trap 3.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide during its predicted lifetime of 40 years. We will protect and look after our trees, and many will live considerably longer than 40 years.



Orchards are vital features in our landscape, providing an essential wildlife refuge, cleaning the air, capturing carbon and reducing flooding. If you’re looking to plant hedges on your land, our Native Wales scheme can provide the trees, funding and expert advice you need to achieve your goals.

Planting hedgerows is one way to reduce your carbon footprint by offsetting your emissions through carbon offsetting. Hedgerows absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and convert it into oxygen, which helps to combat climate change.

As they grow, hedgerows store carbon in their wood, plant matter, and soil, making them “carbon sinks”.



Native Wales have experience, knowledge and resources to be a be able to work closely with land owners to transform a disused space into a community orchard wild meadow by using native Welsh plants and trees an with the option of supplying benches and/or picnic benches. Through planting native Welsh trees and wild flower beds, we hope to create a space that fosters a sense of peace, tranquillity, and connection to the natural world, while also supporting the mental health of community members.

Native Wales recognizes the therapeutic benefits of nature and aims to provide a space for community members to connect with the natural world and improve their mental health.

We work with businesses and the community to research and select native Welsh tree species that are well-suited to the local environment. These trees will provide a calming and peaceful environment for residents to enjoy, while also improving air quality and supporting local wildlife.

In addition to planting trees, we have the resources to create wild flower beds that will attract pollinators and add colour and beauty to the area. The act of planting and caring for these wild flowers can be a therapeutic activity that promotes relaxation and mindfulness.

By engaging in this community project, participants will have the opportunity to connect with nature, get physically active, and socialize with others in a positive and supportive environment. Native Wales aims to not only beautify the area and promote biodiversity, but also to improve mental health and well-being within communities.

Not only are you helping the environment and yourself, you are supporting the battle against climate change and providing habitats for wildlife and insects. Also building a safe community space for members, from all walks of life to go and enjoy the pleasures of nature and provide help and support for mental health with like minded people.



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  • Monday 16:00 – 23:00

  • Tuesday 16:00 – 23:00

  • Wednesday 11:00 – 23:00
  • Thursday 11:00 – 23:00

  • Friday 10:00 – 23:00
  • Saturday 11:00 – 23:00
  • Sunday 12:00 – 20:00

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